Friday, January 20, 2012


Or at least, it's close to that.
When an anime's ending looks like this, it's bound to be considered explicit.

-May have to click to play-

See what i mean?
The anime is Highschool DxD.
The first episode literally started with the main character saying-
"I want to squeeze some boobs."
I couldn't even make this up.
Then after that:
Nothing but boobs.
For the rest of the episodes, there was boobs and fan-service EVERYWHERE.
Only once, ONCE, did it censor it.
...And what a bad censoring job that it.
Example of good censoring-
Get the character, or an object/clothing to hide it.

Example of bad censoring-
Have a large beam of white trail from top to bottom of the video, covering the explicit parts.

Guess which one HS DXD used?

I also played (much) more L.A. NOIRE today.
Went through the rest of homicide.
And made it into Vice.
Now i'm on the last mission of Vice.
On to Arson soon!

And an update from the IRL house hunting-
I never got to go.
My house made was gone.
Didn't return until an hour ago.
So never got to check the place out...
Maybe some other time...

Also, i think i'm going out to do something tomorrow.
Something to do with LEGO.
Should be fun.

But for now, i'll just watch the tennis...
Why is the tennis on?

Well, whatever.
I digress...



  1. Yummmy animae...
    Though, ya gotta wanna wait till Heaven
    where you can do it till Kingdom Come.
    This finite existence is only so long...
    then we croak. Boo-hoo.
    God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

  2. Yummmy animae...
    Though, ya gotta wanna wait till Heaven
    where you can do it till Kingdom Come.
    This finite existence is only so long...
    then we croak. Boo-hoo.
    God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
