Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So, I didn't post for the last 2 days.
Because on Sunday night, i was at a friends place, and i didn't get back to ate.
And when i did, i just instantly went to sleep.
And why didn't i post yesterday?
Because i was completely pre-occupied with a game.
And i was also feeling really depressed yesterday.
Something which i also blame on that game.

I was playing Die2Nite.
And i had a really important event starting yesterday.
I was one of the 240 players to enter the "Clash of the Titans".
Which was meant to start yesterday.
But here's the kick-
It didn't.
I couldn't actually enter my town until this morning.
And even then, the game didn't really start until a couple of hours ago.

So for the whole day, i just sat there.
and waited.
waiting for nothing...
So i assume that's what made me depressed ಠ_ಠ

On the plus side though.
While waiting, it gave me the chance to start watching Shiki.
Which iv'e been meaning to do for a while.
I wanted to watch it solely so i could see the vivisection scene.

Unfortunately, that scene wasn't until episode 14.
So i also didn't get to see that until today either.
Man, yesterday really sucked...

But today i finally got to go with my room mate and check out a potential place to move in to.
The place we went was good.
Except for the fact that it had no furniture.
And we NEED the place to be fully furnished...

But that's about it.
I guess i'll finish of Shiki then find something else to do.
Ah, i'm also going back to Bendigo tomorrow.
It's my fathers birthday on Thursday.
So i'm heading home for that.



  1. Dude, worst comes to worst, just raid people's garages and op shops for furniture. I'm pretty sure we have a couch you can have xD

  2. Actually, when i got back to Bendigo today my dad was just like "You can take one of our fridges, and the couch, and mattresses... and beds...".
    Why could my parents not tell me how much extra crap we had?

  3. Everyone does though, that's the thing. We are a culture of waste.
