Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Not in blog posts (at least, i hope).

But more so in general life.
Today i woke up after 12pm, which may not seem like a bad thing.
I feel that it's better if you go to sleep at a good time, and wake up early in the morning.
But lately it's been sleep at 2-3am and waking >10am.
Which is NOT good.
I need to fix my sleep habits before Uni starts again.
And also because i lose far to much valuable time sleeping.
Sleep's good and all, but i look at it more as a necessity rather than a luxury.
I'd prefer to have 8 hours a day, 11pm-7am.
But sleep pattern i can imagine...
So i'll get to work on fixing that.

But WHY, did i end up staying up late anyway?

Well i think my mind took over in the fact that i DON'T NEED to wake up early in the morning, and just figures i should go to sleep whenever.
Also, when i get really into something (usually manga, rarely ever something else (games, anime, etc)), i tend to stay up late enjoying it.
Also i have a friend who's pretty much nocturnal, so night is the best time to talk to her ಠ_ಠ

I've also now played every steam game i've purchased thus far.

Which is big, as that's something i thought i'd never do.
There are definitely some games among them that i will play again.
And those i don't particularly like...

I also just finished DOMINATING in a game of Atom Zombie Smasher.
Those zed's got nothing on me~~~~

Ah, i'm also currently downloading Eureka Seven.

A classic anime that i used to watch back in the day.
(note, back in the day can easily mean a few years ago)

It was one of the anime's in my anime's 2nd impact.
(There are 4 anime impacts, i'll explain them all sometime)
So i hope it's as good as i remember it.

And the boredom is nearly taking over.
Iv'e gotten bored with most of my console games, and am steadily getting bored with my steam ones as well.

This is not good.
Why must i get bored of games so fast?

I can also feel myself getting less and less interested in constantly reading manga.

I might have to start my anime watching again.
But i feel weird when i watch a lot of anime at one time.
Makes me feel like i'm wasting my life D:
Ah... but those are the woe's that i must put up with.

Things that are easy in my life:
-being awesome
-anything at uni

Things that are hard with my life:
-making my own money
-finding things to keep me sane

Maybe i'll have to make my new years resolution to fix those last 3 things.
But it sounds so hard :<
Well, until next time.

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